Challenges in Puppy Dentistry and Malocclusion

Date: Thursday 28th April 2022 at 7.30pm

Speaker: Ingrid Tundo MRCVS BVDA EBVS EVDC



Join Ingrid Tundo for this webinar as she guides you through the current data on prevalence, diagnosis and treatment options for different types of malocclusion in dogs. Oral pain is often associated with traumatic malocclusion and communication with the owner can be challenging. A good understanding of these conditions will increase your confidence in improving compliance with your treatment recommendation, with benefits for patient health and welfare.

Followed by Live Q&A session.

Ingrid Tundo Dipl EVDC MRCVS EBVS®​ DVM
European Veterinary Specialist in Dentistry

VisioCare Services supporting vet CPD requirements

The Puppy Tooth Census

Open to veterinary professionals and pet owners. Complete the quick online survey to report incidents of normal and abnormal puppy dentition.

Every veterinary professional respondent will be given access to a free pack of digital animations and images that can be used to aid consulting room discussions around puppy dentistry, including explainer videos and puppy owner fact sheets and leaflets.