Webinar 3: Wellbeing in Veterinary Practice: Understanding Self-doubt

Date: 21st July @ 19:00
Special Guest: Brian Faulkner BSc (Hons), BVM&S, CertGP(SAM), CertGP(BPS), MBA, MSc(Psych), FRCVS
Brief Outline: Whilst veterinary practice is often a thrilling and enjoyable environment to work in, it can also be an emotionally unsettling environment because it exposes us to a core driver of stress; uncertainty. Whilst feelings of doubt and uncertainty are inevitable, and indeed useful, they can become a problem however if they lead to feelings of self-doubt. Self-doubt is like confidence-cancer. This webinar will explain how doubt, self-doubt and confidence all relate to each other – and how they manifest in veterinary practice.

You can view a video of this webinar here: