CPD | VisioCare Vision

We are pleased to announce our first introduction to VisioCare Vision with a series of webinars that will explore subjects ranging from disease and condition awareness, through to managing your practice by supporting your staff, optimising your customer service, and helping to grow and improve your practice client base.

We are pleased to announce the first three upcoming webinars will feature Professor Dick White and Brian Faulkner. All our webinars are completely free to register to view, to watch as they are broadcast live, or experience on demand at your leisure. We will also provide an attendance certificate to provide you with the opportunity to claim CPD points and assist with professional development.

Please find below the details and how to register for each webinar in the series, so far.

I look forward to personally joining you as the host, providing you and your colleagues with the support you need.

Karen Froud-Murray
Sales and Marketing Manager, VisioCare Services UK.